By Jessie Seigel / January 26, 2025

The quote above is from Gilbert and Sullivan's Trial By Jury
Dear Readers,
Last Tuesday, I broke my writing wrist. Surgery tomorrow. I am, left-handed, hunt and pecking this--not for sympathy--but to let you know that for a while my articles may be a bit shorter with less substantive back-up to support the opinions. This does not mean that I am not paying attention, and I hope soon to be back to a full-brained, 10-fingered approach.
In the meantime, today I offer the words of "The Robbers' Song" from the 1938 musical Knickerbocker Holiday (Maxwell Anderson--book and lyrics; Kurt Weill--music) as my comment on the newly installed regime of Trump, his robber baron cronies, his executive orders, and his wholesale pardon of his brown shirts:
When first men fled from Eden fair
And spread upon the ground
The honest men were much annoyed
By thieves that hung around
They stole the horses from the barns
They stole the eggs and hams
Made inroads on the cattle and
Among the sheep and lambs
And so the honest men sat down
Around a pot of ale
And made a law that all the thieves
Should be confined in jail
Whereat the thieves were all confined
Behind those dismal bars
So honest men could walk abroad
To businesses or to wars
But then there was a clever thief
Who up and said, said he
"The honest men have grown so few
So numerous are we
That if we band together now
Against the honest men
The honest men will go to jail
And we'll go free again"
So then the thieves and robbers rose
By twos and threes and fours
And put the honest men away
Behind those clanging doors
And since that time it has obtained
And will obtain no doubt
The honest men sit in the jails
The robbers, they are out
The Robbers' Song from Knickerbocker Holiday, 1938
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I wish for you a quick recovery after successful surgery 😍