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Fascism Road: Time to Fight Back

By Jessie Seigel / June 18, 2024

It is time for all those who claim to care about democracy—whether mainstream media, politician, or citizen--to stop politely pulling their punches while the country’s anti-democratic forces attack with bald-faced lies and calls to violence.


It is no longer tolerable—not that it ever was—to give Republican politicians a pass on their actions, let alone supply excuses for them. They are not afraid. They are not blind, deaf or ignorant. Their public statements and actions—or lack of them--will determine the nation’s future. So these Trump promoters should not be given any credit for what reservations they may admit in private. What they express in anonymous whispers—whether they mean it or not—is of absolutely no consequence.


The Republicans’ Public Actions


Last month, the aptly nicknamed Red Tie Brigade—Republicans wearing uniform blue suits and red ties—scurried to New York to stand outside Donald Trump’s trial on 34 felony counts and spout lies and attacks for him, aimed at all those conducting the trial. These sycophants included the Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, Republican senators Rick Scott (Florida), JD Vance (Ohio), and Tommy Tuberville (Alabama), and MAGA representatives Andy Biggs (Arizona), Lauren Boebert (Colorado), and Matt Gaetz (Florida), among others.  


Last Thursday, the Red Tie Brigade was joined by the rest of the Republicans of the House and Senate in hosting felon Donald Trump’s return to Capitol Hill. They spent it fawning over the man who, three years ago, forced them to flee the violent onslaught of his January 6, 2021 mob.


The only exceptions were so-called moderates Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and Mitt Romney who claimed they would not attend, giving the oh-so-brave excuse of “scheduling conflicts.” (In the end, Romney did attend.)


Some in the media have characterized this situation as Trump capturing the Republican party or having a stranglehold on it. But this is no matter of one dangerous man’s control. The party is no victim needing to free itself or be rescued. Rather, it is evident that the Republicans are all in for creating a fascist dictatorship from which they expect to benefit.


The Agenda of the Republican Cabal


The relationship of the right-wing with Trump is symbiotic. He may appear to be the mobster-like leader, but he is also is a tool of the reactionary forces that set his party's goals, in particular, the creators of Project 2025.


Those behind Project 2025—most prominently, the Heritage Foundation—have intended their plan to move forward regardless of who the Republican presidential nominee is. Before Trump became the presumptive nominee, Heritage and its partners briefed all of major contenders (Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Mike Pence) on their project. 


According to Axios, under the Heritage plan, as many as 50,000 civil servants could lose their employment protections, and thus be easily fired and replaced if they do not succumb to the Trump administration’s agenda.


Kevin Roberts, the president of Heritage Foundation, told The Hill that Project 2025 had identified several thousand potential conservative recruits and set a goal of providing a database--by the end of 2024--of up to 20,000 potential administration officials as candidates to replace civil service employees fired.


This is intended to replace non-partisan federal agency employees who have expertise and experience with political hacks. It would be a return to the corrupt spoils system. And that’s the least of it.

In addition, Project 2025 proposes that Trump, if president, sidestep the requirement for senate confirmation of presidential cabinet nominees by installing allies in acting administrative roles, as he did in his first term.

With complete control of the government--of the Justice Department in particular--Trump will be free to have his lackeys prosecute and lock up his opponents and critics regardless of the law or any evidence of wrongdoing. The Project 2025 proposals will also enable him to order the Justice Department not to investigate or prosecute supporters who commit new acts of political violence against his opponents. He might well order federal law enforcement to stand down when such violence occurs.


Furthermore, internal communications reviewed by the Washington Post suggest that Project 2025 is developing a plan for Trump to use executive orders to deploy the military domestically under the Insurrection Act almost immediately after taking office.


In addition, right-wing representatives Matt Gaetz, Andy Biggs, and Chip Roy (Texas) have called for abolishment or defunding of the FBI or the entire DOJ, as well as defunding of the Department of Homeland Security, and cutting federal funding for prosecutors' offices.


These measures to hamper law enforcement and endanger the country are not merely on the right-wing congressmen’s wish list.


According to the Washington Post, Russell Vought, policy director for the RNC’s 2024 platform committee, “wants to gut the FBI and give the president more oversight over the Justice Department.” At a Heritage Foundation event last year, he said, the “Department of Justice is not an independent agency. If anyone brings it up in a policy meeting in the White House, I want them out of the meeting.”


Vought supports prosecuting officials who investigated the president and his allies. On right-wing activist Charlie Kirk’s podcast, he declared, “It can’t just be hearings. It has to be investigations, an army of investigators that lead to firm convictions.”

Never mind whether Vought's targets have committed any crimes.


Michael Glennon, a Tufts University constitutional law professor told the Washington Post, “If conservatives trash long-held political norms to move against liberals, what will protect them when liberals retake power?”


Sadly, Professor Glennon needs to catch up. The right-wing does not intend that liberals will ever be permitted to retake power. At a recent Center for Renewing America event, former Trump strategist Steve Bannon pronounced: “We’re going to rip and shred the federal government apart, and if you don’t like it, you can lump it.”


The Republican party has evolved into a right-wing cabal fomenting a takeover of every aspect of government. If they are not stopped, kiss democracy goodbye. The defeat of one man—Trump—will not put an end to it. All of those House and Senate members supporting him must be exposed and defeated as well.


Will the Democrats Finally Learn How to Fight?

Anand Giridnaradas of The Ink, recently told MSNBC that Democrats are too risk averse. That they need less caution and more boldness.


Joe Scarborough of MSNBC’s Morning Joe ventured that the Democrats are too afraid of offending anyone and so are running a timid campaign.


Commentator and former Florida Republican congressman David Jolly recently observed that Biden needs to play offense on his policy agenda. Jolly acknowledged that, as president, Biden himself may not be able to be blunt, but maintained that a “low blow” could certainly come from the campaign.


I agree. This politeness, this standing above the fray, is a longstanding problem with Democratic campaigns. They play by the Marquis of Queensbury rules while the Republicans  consistently punch below the belt. The Democrats need to get into the fight with no holds barred. And the Republicans have given them so much material that they could easily do so without lying as the Republicans are doing.

As president, Biden may need to retain a degree of politeness in order for voters to see the difference between him and Trump. But where are his surrogates—the members of the party to fight the fight with bare knuckles?

Celebrity advocates like Robert de Niro are well and good, but they are no substitute for a group of Democratic surrogates consistently and loudly imparting the same message ad nauseam in disciplined fashion.

Scornful messages need to be aimed at the Republicans backing Trump—exposing their antidemocratic agenda every single time they open their mouths. Because defeating Trump will not stop the Republican fascist putsch. The nation needs the defeat of every Republican politician acting as part of Trump’s crew.

So far, I have only seen Democrats speak out individually, and always in overly reasoned, moderate tones. But quiet reason rarely wins against a mob. The Democrats need a Blue Tie Brigade to counter the Red one. They don’t have to actually wear blue ties, but they do need to form quickly.

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6 opmerkingen

Stephani Tikalsky
Stephani Tikalsky
20 jun 2024

Really well written, Jessie. I just watched the June 16 John Oliver show that went into great detail regarding a second Trump presidency and Project 2025. It is absolutely frightening! I agree with your two previous commenters that President Biden would not have been my first choice as our candidate.

That said, I disagree with Andrea's suggestion or idea regarding another candidate. Unless something unforeseen happens, Biden will be the Democratic candidate. It is best that we all get behind him and get him reelected. We can grumble amongst friends perhaps, but outwardly we need all hands on deck to prevent a Trump win.

02 jul 2024
Reageren op

Thanks for your thoughts. I agree with your view that we need all on the same page to prevent a Trump win. Jessie


20 jun 2024

One of the most effective anti-Trump talking points I have heard is: "It's all about himself." I think this thought might penetrate the mindset of even some MAGA supporters.

Like Andrea Sachs, I am conflicted about Biden as the Democratic opponent, not only due to his apparent frailty, but also as to his speech and actions as to the genocide in Gaza; the disappearing "red line" as to a U.S. position was for me a particularly upsetting matter. I do not have an answer to what for me has become a conundrum. First and foremost, Trump and his supporters must be defeated.

It is a serious concern that the upcoming Presidential debate will be narrow in scope, tepid in …

02 jul 2024
Reageren op

Thanks for your thoughts.


Andrea Sachs
Andrea Sachs
19 jun 2024

Write on, Jessie! One of the best columns you’ve ever written. I couldn’t agree more. I’ll take it one step further—that Blue Tie Brigade should figure out a way to replace Biden as the candidate. His ego is going to bring down democracy in this country, just like Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s refusal to step aside gave us the end of Roe v. Wade. Newsom, Whitmer, Raskin—anyone else! It might be a Hail Mary pass, but if the Dems continue on the same path, hello Mr. Dictator on Day One. Wake up and smell the Covfefe!!

02 jul 2024
Reageren op

Thanks for your thoughts.

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